

  Many of us blur the line between our private and professional lives, but we know that it is important to have a little R&R every now and then, even if only for a few short minutes. Here are some tips to help you unwind and let go after a long day in the office.我们很多人都会分不清工作和生活的界限,同时我们也知道休养与恢复的重要性(小编注:R&R即Rest and Recuperation,休养与恢复),即使只有一小会儿时间也不忘放松。下面就是一些小贴士,告诉我们在漫长的一天的工作之后如何放松。

  1.Take a bath: Nothing beats the feeling of a warm bath. Soaking in epsom salts will help relieve stress and soothe your muscles, allowing your body to unwind after a long day on the job. Don't have a bath? A hot shower works wonders too!沐浴泡澡:没有什么比暖暖的泡个澡更舒服的了。泡澡的时候放一点浴可以有效地舒缓压力、放松肌肉,让身体在一整天工作之后好好地放松一下。没有条件泡澡?洗个热水澡也能有同样的效果!

  2.Light a candle:Sounds simple, but candles are a small, inexpensive luxury that create a relaxing setting throughout your home. Choosing scents like lavender is known to reduce stress, anxiety, and insomnia. Candles are the easiest way to create a calm environment after a long day in the office.点支香薰烛:这个方法听起来很容易吧,但这的确是一个在家就能用的又简单又便宜的放松方法,还能给你带来奢华的享受。选择类似薰衣草这样的香薰烛能够减少压力、焦虑,缓解失眠。在一天的工作后,点一支香薰烛是创造静谧舒缓环境的最简单的方法。

  3.Go for a walk:Many of us have office jobs that keep us indoors for a majority of the day. Set aside 20 minutes to go for a walk throughout your neighborhood. It's the perfect way to get moving and enjoy the outdoors, especially during warm Summer nights.出去走走:我们很多人大多数时间都在室内的.办公室里工作。每天在自己的小区里随意走上个20分钟,随便地动几下,好好享受室外的美好,尤其是在温暖的夏日夜晚。

  4.Stretch! Sitting in an office chair for several hours each day can make your body just as tight and achy as an intense workout. Try these simple stretches for desk dwellers and high-heel wearers to keep you working hard and feeling great.舒展身体:每天要在办公室的椅子上坐上几个小时,你的身体肯定会又僵硬又酸痛。对于长期坐办公室的人和穿高跟鞋的人来说,做些简单的舒展运动可以让自己感觉舒畅、工作也能更加努力。

  5.Enjoy a light read:Crack open a book or magazine and escape into it. It is easy to get caught up only reading from a computer screen or ereader. Flipping pages will give your eyes a much-needed break from the screen, and nonwork-related content will help you forget any office woes.看一些轻松读物:刷刷地翻几页书或杂志,可以让你有机会暂时离开一下电脑屏幕或者电子阅读器,让你的眼睛好好休息一下。而和工作不相关的阅读内容也能让你忘记办公室里的勾心斗角。

  6.Journal: Remember your teenage journal? Bring it back! Journaling can be the perfect way to unwind and reflect on your day. Journals also act as a great way to keep track of goals and inspiration.写日记:还记得年少时写过的日记吗?重新拿起纸笔来吧!记日记是一个放松回顾一天生活的绝好方法,也是一个追踪目标、激发灵感的好选择。
